Photographer creates a powerful post-apocalyptic project that puts Trump’s USA in Mad Max world

Can photography change the world? This is the question I often ask myself, and I am not the only one. I am still looking for an answer, but there are artists who are actively trying to change the world with their projects. They are trying to point out to the problems we are facing on […]

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Wyoming Is Being Sued For Making A Law Which Forbids Photographing Agricultural Crimes

Half a year ago, Wyoming passed one of the most controversial laws concerning photography ever (and agriculture for that matter) – the Data Trespass Law. The law has lots of legalese, but in a shell, the law makes it illegal to  “…photograph or otherwise preserve information in any form from open land which is submitted or intended to be submitted […]

The post Wyoming Is Being Sued For Making A Law Which Forbids Photographing Agricultural Crimes appeared first on DIY Photography.