Dropbox Just Deleted 2000 Files Because of My Samsung Phone

I have been using Dropbox for years now and I have never once had a problem with it…until a week ago when over 2000 files mysteriously vanished from my Dropbox account. For the record, I love Dropbox – to the point where Dropbox is now integral to running my business – here are two examples: Dropbox Lightroom Catalog […]

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Amazon’s Unlimited Cloud Storage is now available in the UK for only £55 a year

It’s no secret to most people who know me that I’m not a huge fan of online cloud backup services. But I know many of my fellow UK photographers are. Amazon’s unlimited cloud storage launched in the USA in the middle of 2015. Now, Amazon have introduced the service to the UK, with prices starting at only £55/yr […]

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The Business Cost of Data Storage for Creative Professionals

In my recent article “Delete Your Sh!t: Why You Should Trash Most of Your Photos” I made a case to encourage photographers to permanently delete a large majority of their image files in order to minimize their data storage requirements (among the other benefits of a smaller catalog). However, there seems to be an ongoing […]

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The Three C’s of File Management – Copy, Clone, and Cloud!

Editor’s Note: Please welcome David J. Crewe to the Photofocus team.  He’s a professional photographer from Chicago and we’re super happy to have him here.  Please post a welcome message in the comments or drop him a line. As a professional photographer in the digital age, protecting your data is one of the most important things […]

Backup Quick Tip: How To Move Your Dropbox Pro Folder If Your C Drive Is Full

If you’re a Dropbox user, you probably have your Dropbox folder installed at the default location – on your systems drive the Main (C:) drive (under My Documents in you are on windows). If you have upgraded to Dropbox Pro with 1 TB of storage space – sooner or later you’re probably going to run […]

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