Watch This Video of a Drone Prop Cutting Into Raw Flesh

While not quite as gruesome as it sounds, this video shows what could happen from a drone impacting humans in a sort of “worst case scenario” crash. Below is the normal speed video that puts the super slow motion clip above in a little better context. Of course, the carbon fiber propeller isn’t quite the […]

This is what your naked body would look like if it was hit by a drone

Of course, no sane person would subject themselves to being hit by a flying drone, but researches at Aalborg University in Denmark used a piece of pork and a propeller catapult to simulate the impact bare flash would suffer if hit by a drone. And it ain’t pretty. The team uses a 3 meter aluminum catapult can accelerate a 1-kilogram drone […]

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This is how you light up a climbers on a cliff with speedlights attached to drones

So what do you do when you need to position lights off to the side of a cliff and you left your 300ft tall light stands at home?  You mount them to a drone, of course, which is exactly what National Geographic photographer Keith Ladzinski did recently while taking the new Nikon D500 and SB-5000 flash […]

The post This is how you light up a climbers on a cliff with speedlights attached to drones appeared first on DIY Photography.