This small hovering drone that follows you around, can be controlled from your phone, shoots 4K video and doesn’t require FAA registration.

Drones have become ridiculously popular in the last few years, of that there is no doubt, but sometimes you don’t need all the power and load capacities of huge drones like the new DJI Matrice 600, or even the relatively modest Phantom 4. Sometimes, you just need a camera that hovers and follows you around, which is […]

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This drone video uses the Hitchcock Zoom technique for beautiful but dizzying results

The Hitchcock Zoom, also known as the dolly zoom, the Vertigo effect, reverse tracking shot, triple reverse zoom, the trombone effect, as well as countless other names, is the process of simultaneously moving the camera while zooming the lens to keep your subject a constant size within the frame while the environment gets larger or smaller. This […]

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DJI just released the Matrice 600, its most powerful drone to date and new Ronin-MX gimbal stabilizer

Aimed at Hollywood’s heaviest hitters as well as independent aerial cinematographers, DJI have announced their new Matrice 600 drone & Ronin-MX gimbal stabilizer.  Able to carry a payload of up to 13.2 pounds, the Matrice 600 is perfectly suited to a range of cameras from Nikon and Canon DSLRs, to RED and Arri cinema cameras. As […]

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Need a helicopter searchlight in your next movie? Fiilex have the answer with drone mounted continuous lights

Mounting lights onto drones seems to be getting popular, all of a sudden, but I suppose it was inevitable.  Today, Fiilex announce their new AL250 light, specifically designed for mounting onto drones, allowing you to put continuous light where may have previously been impossible. Having a continuous light attached to a drone while filming video […]

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You can now put a parachute on your drone

While drones are no doubt getting smarter and smarter with each new generation, the unexpected can happen.  Motors can burn out, you can lose control, there’s accidental or intentional interference to worry about, but whatever the reason, stories of drones falling out of the sky and crashing to earth or spinning wildly out of control and hitting the […]

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California wildfire ‘selfie’ arsonist gets 20 years and a $60 million fine

Selfies are just a part of our culture today, whether stills or video, but they have been known to land people in hot water a time or two.  Sometimes the consequences are simply a little embarrassment, sometimes very severe (and rightly so). In what seems more suited to ridicule on America’s Dumbest Criminals, California resident Wayne Allen Huntsman […]

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Incredibly rare 360º rainbow captured in Ireland using a drone

More often than not, rainbows appear as a row of colorful arches in the sky. It’s a different story though when you’re looking at it from the perspective of a peregrine–a view ever so wonderfully captured by an Irish drone operator last week. The rainbow seen in the video was captured in Cookstown, Ireland and […]

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The SkyWall 100 is a carbon fiber bazooka designed to take down drones with a net

No, what you see above isn’t a clever and well-done Halo cosplay. It’s a SkyWall 100, the latest tool used to bring down drones when they’re flying in unauthorized areas. Looking like a futuristic RPG launcher, the SkyWall 100 fires off a canister at distances upwards of 100 meters away. Inside the canister is a […]

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