Canon breaks into the drone market with a new $40K search and rescue drone & camera combo

Well, this was unexpected. There weren’t even any rumours floating around, other than a mention of a patent two years ago. Then radio silence, nothing. But now, Canon have entered into the drone market. Although it’s not the consumer drone market. They’re going industrial. With the catchy name of PD6E2000-AW-CJ1, Canon’s new drone costs a […]

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Airvada’s Diodon is the world’s first inflatable drone

French company Airvada has launched Diodon, the world’s first inflatable drone. Yup, you read it right, inflatable drone. You use a compact electric pump to fill it with air, and it’s ready for a takeoff. It sounds funny, but apparently, it’s quite powerful and has a few pretty good sides. So let’s check them out. […]

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5 things you need to know before buying DJI Mavic Pro

According to the reviews, DJI Mavic Pro takes a pretty high rank. Designer and Creative Entrepreneur Roberto Blake bought one, and he’s among those who love it. But, he points out that there are still some things you need to know before making the final decision. No matter how amazing DJI Mavic Pro is, you […]

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This is how to save battery and fly a drone even in the coldest weather

You may like winter and cold weather, but your drone batteries don’t. It affects their chemical charge and gives you shorter flight time. If you’re typically used to getting around 25 minutes of flight, in cold weather it comes down to about 15, or even less. Dirk Dallas from Adorama TV shares some useful tips […]

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Watch: woman pulls a gun on a drone hovering above her house

Drones have definitely become common in our everyday lives. There are plenty of their possible uses, from taking photos and videos to making tigers exercise. However, not all of the applications are useful or positive. I’ve often heard that you could use a drone to spy on your neighbors, and apparently, some people do it, […]

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Crashing a drone in Seattle could land you with jail time and a fine

While some of the rules regarding drone flight around the world might seem a little extreme, some make absolute sense. One such law in many countries is that of flying over groups of people. Especially groups of people who aren’t directly involved with the flight. You might remember one drone pilot who disobeyed this rule […]

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Watch: Siberian tigers take down a drone like it was a bird

We’ve seen the encounter of wild animals and drones, and what it looks like when a real bird takes down an electronic one. A recent video from CCTV+ shows another example of wild animals versus a drone. In this video, a pack of Siberian tigers chases the drone around while it’s recording them. Eventually, it […]

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Dronelapse: this breathtaking timelapse of Minsk was made using a drone

There are undoubtedly many gorgeous drone videos and timelapse videos on the internet. But Belarusian timelapse photographer Artem Pryadko has combined the two styles. He created a video that shows all the beauties of Minsk recorded from the air. He turned aerial shots into a timelapse and got a dronelapse that’s true eye-candy. Artem created the dronelapse from […]

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