
Crashing a drone in Seattle could land you with jail time and a fine

While some of the rules regarding drone flight around the world might seem a little extreme, some make absolute sense. One such law in many countries is that of flying over groups of people. Especially groups of people who aren’t directly involved with the flight. You might remember one drone pilot who disobeyed this rule […]

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Virginia Tech crash tests collisions between humans and drones

Researchers at Virginia Tech test are hoping to enable drones to fly over people in the future. Therefore, they are testing the consequences of collision between a drone and a human. Okay, not a real human, but a crash test dummy. They are working on developing methods to evaluate the risk a small drone poses […]

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Man convicted for Seattle drone crash which knocked woman unconscious may face jail time

38 year old Paul M. Skinner had been accused of engaging in a conduct that created a “substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury to another person”, and was charged. It comes from an incident in June 2015 when a woman was knocked unconscious when struck by Skinner’s drone during a Pride parade in […]

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Pilot who crashed a drone onto Seattle’s Space Needle may face charges and end up in jail

New Year, new beginnings. But for a drone owner from Seattle, the beginning of 2017 probably wasn’t what he was hoping for. On New Year’s Eve, his drone was circling around the Seattle’s iconic Space Needle, when it crashed onto the platform. The case was reported to the police, and it seems they identified the […]

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Pilot who crashed a drone onto Seattle’s Space Needle may face charges and end up in jail

New Year, new beginnings. But for a drone owner from Seattle, the beginning of 2017 probably wasn’t what he was hoping for. On New Year’s Eve, his drone was circling around the Seattle’s iconic Space Needle, when it crashed onto the platform. The case was reported to the police, and it seems they identified the […]

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