Spice up your food photography by backlighting it with a light box

Backlighting translucent objects is always great fun to experiment with. Sometimes it’s quite easy. You just put a light on a stand, place it behind your subject, and start shooting away. But food can get a little messy, and it’s not easy to just hang up in front of a light. This is where a […]

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Make your own light tent out of a cardboard box and household items

Light tents can be a wonderful thing. They’re certainly not going to get your best product photos, but they’re a great way to photograph a lot of things quickly. Once they’re set up, you just keep swapping items out as you shoot. Light tents aren’t always that expensive, either. You can pick them up online […]

The post Make your own light tent out of a cardboard box and household items appeared first on DIY Photography.