Who Shot It Better? Donald Trump: Christopher Anderson or Nadav Kander

Donald Trump presents an interesting case for portrait photography and its use on magazine covers. Prior to his presidential run, he was known as an outspoken businessman and reality television star whose bombastic style brought in yuge ratings for “The Apprentice.” Prior to the presidency, photographers and photo editors played to that persona with covers […]

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Pete Souza uses his Instagram account to subtly mock Donald Trump

When Barrack Obama left the White House after eight years, his photographer Pete Souza left as well. The new US President has a new official photographer, and Souza has stayed faithful to Obama. After Trump’s inauguration, Souza began using his personal Instagram account to keep portraying Obama in positive light. But there’s more. He also […]

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Watch the Trump Inauguration in infrared

An invisible force is arguably what propelled Donald Trump through this controversial, tumultuous election, landing him in the Oval Office to lead the entire nation of America as its 45th President. The unexpected and shocking force that swept the country into a populist fervor culminated on January 20th, 2017, Inauguration Day, and I was there […]

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Can you find your friends in a gigapixel photo of Trump’s inauguration?

If you wonder who was at Donald Trump’s recent inauguration, here’s something to satisfy your curiosity. CNN takes you there with a single image, as they have published a gigapixel photo of the event. Since gigapixel technology has taken off in the past couple of years, it was probably expected. So, now you can finally […]

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POTUS Twitter account uses header photo from the wrong inauguration

These days, along with a new US leadership transition, comes the online transition. The White House Flickr account has been scrubbed, changes have been made to the White House website, and social media has had a little bit of a reboot. Including the official @POTUS Twitter account. The Hill, and several other outlets, are reporting […]

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Obama’s official portrait was taken with a Canon 5D Mark II. Trump’s with a Canon 1Ds Mark III, which is even older

Here is an argument that may shut the race for new gear. President’s Trump’s official portrait was taken with a Canon 1Ds Mark III. Now, it’s a great camera, but it’s also almost a decade into the market. It was announced in august, 2007. President Obama’s portrait, on the other hand, was taken with a Canon 5D Mark […]

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This is the oldest known photograph of a Presidential inauguration

On March 4th, 1857, while the Capitol building was still under construction, James Buchanan was sworn in as the 15th President of the United States of America. The 1850s were a significant period in photography. The wet collodion process was invesnted in 1851. It gave photographers the ability to make direct contact prints from glass negatives. […]

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This is the oldest known photograph of a Presidential inauguration

On March 4th, 1857, while the Capitol building was still under construction, James Buchanan was sworn in as the 15th President of the United States of America. The 1850s were a significant period in photography. The wet collodion process was invesnted in 1851. It gave photographers the ability to make direct contact prints from glass negatives. […]

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Trump Trolled By Time – A Photographic Deconstruction of the Man of the Year 2016 Cover

The perceived devil horns grabbed the headlines, but the real story behind the deep symbolism embedded within Time Magazine’s 2016 person of the year cover featuring Donald Trump is much more interesting. Nadav Kander is a brilliant photographer and the impression of Donald Trump that you get from his photograph is unmistakable – following in […]

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Time magazine accidentally gives devil horns to Donald Trump

Each year, the editors of Time magazine choose the person of the year – the one who has most influenced the news and the world over the past year. But this year, their cover page reading “Donald Trump: President of the Divided States of America” caused a major stir on social networks. And all because […]

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