Is man’s best friend paying the price for social media obsession?

A dog is for life, not just for likes. It’s a variation on the nearly-40-year-old slogan that’s impressed on us every Advent by the people at the Dogs Trust. But now it is becoming ever-more pressing as research conducted by the Blue Cross–another animal charity–suggests that there’s a chunk of people who would predicate their […]

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Naked dogwalker photobombs high school senior photo shoot

Shooting portraits on location has become very popular over the last few years. Since the demise of train tracks and caution tape, rural middle of nowhere locations now seem to be the go to. They’re much safer, and often far more beautiful. Occasionally, you might see some wildlife. In fact, just last week during a shoot […]

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Meet the PhoDOGraphers, a team of adorable canines taught to take photos of their owners

If you’re anything like me (and the rest of the internet) it’s safe to say you have hundreds, if not thousands of photos of your four-legged child, Fido. It’s not at all uncommon to take photos of your pet, either for the sake of sharing them with the world or archiving them so you can […]

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