Film retrieved from a buried capsule shows life in Nazi-controlled ghetto [NSFW]

How do you feel when you see a major historic document right before your eyes? And what about seeing dozens of images that testify about the past? A series of images by Henryk Ross from the Nazi-occupied Jewish ghetto could make you feel the connection with the past you’ve never felt before. The series of […]

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I was in a refugee camp with my cameras when Trump shut the borders. Here’s what I saw

I was documenting the Souda refugee camp in Chios, Greece in January, when President Trump signed the Executive Order to close US borders to immigration from 7 Muslim-majority countries. The conditions in the Souda refugee camp varies from constantly harsh to increasingly inhuman. Here’s what I saw. Freezing weather, freezing wind, freezing tents, freezing skin, […]

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Instagram can help you become full time photographer. Here’s how

A few people requested an in-depth post on how to grow your instagram. Here’s how I grew my instagram account without using any online services. Before I dive in, this is purely my workflow and there is no secret App that will make you gain thousands of followers over night nor is this going to be […]

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The dangers of getting lost for your photography

We are starting something new here, a Featured Photographer video series where we talk with famous photographers. Our first installment is a piece by travel photographer Asher Svidensky, who has been published by National Geographic, BBC, Oxford and several others. Asher travels the world looking for stories. According to Asher, the only way to really get […]

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8 ways to tell better stories with your photography

While many photographers can generate lots of nice individual pictures, creating a photo story, or a photo essay, is a lot harder. If you think of the greatest documentary photographers, such as Henri Cartier Bresson, Dorothea Lange and Don McCullin, they cut their teeth working for picture-based magazines and while a lot of these have… Continue reading

The post 8 ways to tell better stories with your photography appeared first on Digital Camera World.