This photographer turns aerial photos into dream-like composites

Being able to turn your vivid imagination into art is not an easy task. It takes skill, time, and of course – the imagination, of course, above all else. Photographer Darren Wilden is an imaginative artist, passionate about flying a drone and working in Photoshop. He brought his two passions together in a magnificent series of […]

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This is what happens when your drone gets struck by lightning

Chances are, if there’s thunder and lightning happening, it’s usually raining, too. Drones generally don’t mix well with water. So, flying your drone probably isn’t going to be on your list of priorities. But, it’s been known to happen. Storm chasers, and those trying to get some insane weather footage will take the risk. But […]

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NASA simulates DJI Phantom airflow to improve quadcopter design

NASA has used computer models to simulate airflow for decades. It lets them test to see how aircraft will react to drag, friction and countless other forces. All important factors when it comes to designing the next generation of vehicles. At NASA’S Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, the technique was recently used to check […]

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This is why drones and balloons don’t like to play together

We’ve had this video submitted to us by a videographer who wishes to remain anonymous and I can understand why. Even though he followed all regulations (like height, distance from venue and so one) he still got nuked! The short of the story is that a DJI Phantom Pro 3 got taken down by a balloon (kinda […]

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DJI Phantom 3 & Inspire 1 Add Auto Flight Modes Via Firmware Update

When I talk to videographers who fly drones (dronists? I donno…) and the issue of DJI vs. 3D robotics comes up, the main point is always how the Solo from 3DR can do clever things autonomously while the DJIs need some babysitting. DJI’s new firmware update closes that gap and adds some pretty clever flight […]

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