Easy product photography setup you can use at home

Product photography requires you to really make the subject really pop. You want to make the customer buy a certain product, and for this, you need a perfect photo. You may need that super-expensive gear and a studio are a must to create appealing product photos. But, photographer Tom Watts shows you a simple product […]

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The cheapest lighting solution for filmmakers – light, filters and barn doors for $90

It probably goes without saying, but – professional lighting is expensive. If you are just starting out your filmmaking career, or you’re simply a hobbyist, there’s no need for spending thousands of dollars on professional light. You can do it on a budget with construction lights you can find at any Home Depot. In this […]

The post The cheapest lighting solution for filmmakers – light, filters and barn doors for $90 appeared first on DIY Photography.

Build Your Own Variable Temperature LED Light Panel For Ultimate Control

When it comes to LED lights and light panels you usually get what you pay for. Durability, battery efficiency, CRI and color consistency are just some of the factors which are going to contribute toward the price of commercial LED lighting solutions, which is often very high (although, there are exceptions). But what can you do if you just want to have […]

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