Why photography matters and how it helped me overcome depression

I kept this post as a draft for months unsure if I should publish it since it discusses things and events that aren’t very easy to share. Just like everything else I write, I hope it can inspire / help at least one person from my personal life experience. People often ask me why I […]

The post Why photography matters and how it helped me overcome depression appeared first on DIY Photography.

Creatives Against Depression: How it feels and how to progress

Depression? In order to make this hit home what it’s like living with depression I’ve written this article twice. The first half is during my mindset when I’ve been depressed, how I feel, what I think. The latter is my reflection upon the previous article when I’m in a better mindset. It took me 9 […]

The post Creatives Against Depression: How it feels and how to progress appeared first on DIY Photography.