This is how you can edit video on a smartphone or tablet

Smartphone video often seems to get neglected. Even here on DIYP. We post a bit about smartphone photography, but little about shooting video with a phone. And it’s something many of us do, even if just for social media. Or, we shoot clips we shoot to edit on the computer alongside other footage. I’ve even […]

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How to learn filmmaking in a month or less without film school

Learning filmmaking by yourself is, in many respects, a lot like learning photography. There’s some technical to figure out, sure, but there’s also a lot of observing the work of others and then doing. And many of the tips contained in this video from Darious Britt also apply to photography. At least, for the first […]

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Mastering composition with a little help from Will Smith (sort of)

Perhaps “with help from a little Will Smith” would’ve been a little more accurate, but still. The “rules” of composition are widely known and hotly debated. On the one side, you’ve got those who swear by them, live by them, and can’t break free from them. On the other side you’ve got those who claim […]

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