Writer’s block and street photography

Lately, I started to do some research about becoming a better writer. Apparently a lot of the suggestions that I read also translate into photography and probably a lot more creative professions. Thinking outside the box is always advised to get some new kind of input and reading tips about photography written by photographer’s all […]

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Writer’s block and street photography

Lately, I started to do some research about becoming a better writer. Apparently a lot of the suggestions that I read also translate into photography and probably a lot more creative professions. Thinking outside the box is always advised to get some new kind of input and reading tips about photography written by photographer’s all […]

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Stop asking for ‘constructive criticism’ – how to solicit good critique

Have you ever seen that “CC Welcome” caption on photos uploaded to Facebook, Flickr and 500px? Basically it stands for Creative Critique or Constructive Criticism, and it is probably the worse way possible to ask for feedback. Photographer Joe Edelman notes that one of two will probably happen: you either get a bunch of ego flattering, one […]

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Photographs Are Made With Light, Not Sensors and Tech

Great light is what creates great images What makes a photograph is not the camera sensor, or the autofocus system, or the depth of field. Photographs are made with light. I’m as guilty as the next person when it comes to pixel peeping. I’ve gone through my share of acute episodes of G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition […]

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Adobe: shoot crappy photos, fix them in post later

Here is something I never thought I’ll see, but sometimes the real world provide the most awesome nuggets. In their most recent newsletter, Adobe wanted to highlight some Lightroom features. Their way of doing so was to basically say that you don’t need to worry about anything camera related. Just fix it all with Lightroom […]

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Creatives Against Depression: How it feels and how to progress

Depression? In order to make this hit home what it’s like living with depression I’ve written this article twice. The first half is during my mindset when I’ve been depressed, how I feel, what I think. The latter is my reflection upon the previous article when I’m in a better mindset. It took me 9 […]

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A short video explaining the (insanely funny) seven steps of video editing

John Aldred is DIYP’s video editor. If you liked our videos from the UK photoshow or our interviews with some of the worlds top creatives, he is the one to thank. I was asking John about a deadline for one of our videos and he sent me this clip from Lixi studios as a reply. Now, I know […]

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Here’s a simple exercise you can do to find inspiration

Inspiration, much like emotion, happens to be one of those things we can often get lost within and struggle to recall without the helpful nudge of others around us. The problem with this when it comes to creating new work, is that it relies on you to remain as current or observant as possible in […]

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We sat down with 4 top creatives to talk about success, failure, fears and joy, Here is what they had to say

Last month we met with four of today’s top creatives for a pleasant chat. We asked them about their successes, failures, fears and joys. We met Pratik Naik, Bella Kotak, Roderique Arisiaman and Richard Terborg and asked each four questions: What is your biggest career accomplishment What was your biggest professional failure What is your biggest fear What key advice would you […]

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