I’m Giving my images for free

I’m a professional full-time photographer and I choose to let people download and use 95% of my images (even commercially), here’s why. Who am I ? I’m Samuel Zeller, a freelance Photographer from Geneva, Switzerland. I’m also an ambassador for Fujifilm and the editor of Fujifeed. I recently launched my “Archive” a repository which contains […]

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CC’s “No Rights Reserved” Mark Looks Dangerously Similar To Behance’s “All Rights Reserved” Mark

Jim Wehtje discovered an apparent oversight that could potentially cause a lot of headaches for photographers and creators in general). It appears the symbol Adobe’s Behance website uses to mark a specific work’s copyright as “No use is allowed without explicit permission from owner” is the exact same mark the Creative Commons uses to label a work as “No […]

The post CC’s “No Rights Reserved” Mark Looks Dangerously Similar To Behance’s “All Rights Reserved” Mark appeared first on DIY Photography.

Photographer Loses Copyright Suit Against Mapmaker Because of Licensing Technicality

Creative commons licensing is great, especially for online content creators.   It can also be a tremendous tool for gaining recognition through use of your work as you are just starting out in the creative world.  However, it can be a double-edged sword for the unsuspecting. A few days ago, a court in Washington, DC found in […]

The post Photographer Loses Copyright Suit Against Mapmaker Because of Licensing Technicality appeared first on DIY Photography.