Photographer mom shared a photo of her son and his father in a shower – and now she’s going to court

Heather Whitten, a photographer and a mom, recently shared a photo of her husband taking care of their sick son. She captured the dad taking care of the boy in the shower. The photo caused millions of positive reactions all over the internet, but a single negative one was enough to send her to court. […]

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German photographer sues Facebook over image metadata stripping and wins

It’s long been known that Facebook strips the metadata from photographs and other images that are uploaded. I’ve never seen an official answer from Facebook as to why they do this, but the leading theory seems to be one of privacy. With 136,000 images being uploaded to Facebook every single minute, that’s a lot of […]

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NYPD Wants to Charge a TV News Network $36,000 for Body Camera Footage

Events such as Ferguson led to increased usage of body cameras in police departments across the U.S., but as the cameras’ popularity soars so do the questions about who owns the footage and how much of it should be made available to the public. As Arstechnica reports, one question hasn’t been discussed as often – […]

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German Court Rules It Illegal to Possess Nude Photos of Your Ex

It’s no secret that many couples these days capture intimate photos during their relationship, but what should happen with those photos once the couple breaks up? In a decision that could criminalize millions of men (and some women), a German judge ruled that a man must delete nude photos of his ex-girlfriend. According to the […]

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