This simple invoice shows the real reasons why professional photographers charge more

We’ve all seen the memes on Facebook in response to the question “Why do photographers charge so much?”. They usually talk about the cost of gear, and other things that your client doesn’t care about. Sure, equipment, insurance, and all the rest of it are expenses you need to earn it back. But, your expenses […]

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The Value of A Professional Photographer, or, “Can I Have All the Unedited Photos?”

Every photographer has gotten the question after a successful shoot: “The photos look great, but can I get the rest of them just in case I need them later? You don’t need to edit them or anything.” If you’re here for the short answer, the answer is no, but it’s important to me for people […]

The post The Value of A Professional Photographer, or, “Can I Have All the Unedited Photos?” appeared first on DIY Photography.

VSCO Drops the Price on All Seven of Its Film Packs to Honor Its 4 Year Anniversary

It’s been exactly four years since Visual Supply Co. (VSCO) launched its very first VSCO Film® film emulation preset pack. Since then, they’ve added six more, created a collection of smartphone apps and even developed an artist grant ‘that provides artists the resources to pursue their creative vision, no matter what the medium.’ To honor […]

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