The power of a photograph

‘Photographers have the power to capture human moments.’ This is the opening line of the inspiring new short film created by Cooperative of Photography, affectionately known to as COOPH. As cliche as it may sound, the truth couldn’t ring more clearly. A single image can stop the world in its tracks and, at least for […]

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A love letter to action sports photography

Today, in honor of Red Bull’s Illume competition, COOPH has shared an incredibly inspirational video that serves as a ’ tribute to the photographers who travel the planet in their unrelenting pursuit of the perfect shot.’ The two-and-a-half minute video shows a collection of still shots that have been submitted to previous years of the […]

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You may be a photographer, but are you an artist?

You may be a photographer, but are you an artist? That is the question rhetorically asked in COOPH’s latest video wherein world-renowned artist Roger Ballen shares seven thoughts on the matter. The video itself comes in at just under three minutes and has an eerie, almost circus feel to it. Visuals aside though, the insights […]

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The history of photography, explained in 5 minutes

Photography might be a young art for all intents and purposes, but that doesn’t mean its history is anything less than complicated. Thankfully, if you don’t care to take a semster-long course on how photography came to be, COOPH has created a helpful video that breaks down the history of photography in just five minutes. […]

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How to Shoot XX Elements In Under 3 Minutes

If you are looking for a themed shoot idea, shooting the elements is quite a nice theme. One way would be to take it to the extremes and shoot elaborate setups like this one or this one. The other way could be to take it on the light side and make it a…

The Evolution of Cameras and Portraits in 11 Images

We’ve all seen photos from the early days of photography, and we all know how far imaging technology has come over the years, but how did we go from long-exposure self-portraits to instant selfies? In this video we are taken on a historical journey with COOPH photographer Leo Rosas through the evolution of cameras and […]

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How To Shoot Nude Photography (NSFW)

Cooph and pro photographer, Greg Gorman, have teamed up to put together this collection of invaluable tips for nude photography (I guess some of them apply to other types of photography, too). To make the video clip, they set up in a 600-year old castle located in Austria, which makes for a pretty beautiful setting. Take a look […]

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