
How to turn toy action figures into life sized super heroes with compositing

We’ve all been there, playing with our action figures as kids as if they were real.  For me it was He-Man.  For photographer Ari Mahardhika, it’s the characters of Marvel Universe, but just playing wasn’t enough. In this amazing series of images, Ari has brought these action figures to life, using a selection of techniques to […]

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Photographer blends reality with CG to produce amazing surreal landscapes

We’ve all had that feeling of being in a beautiful or dramatic landscape, wanting to capture it, and then found it was missing just a little something once we got it home and saw the images big on the computer screen. German architectural photographer, Andreas Levers has also felt that on occasion and decided to do something […]

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Create Amazing Rainy Composite Images With This Great Photoshop Video Tutorial

One of the problems when trying to create the images we see in our head is that, in the real world, the constituent parts can be very difficult to get together in front of your camera all at the same time. This is where compositing steps in.  Sometimes, you just have no choice, and you may […]

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Photoshop Genius Turns Snaps into Movie Posters

Think your Photoshop skills are up to scratch?  You might want to think again when you see some of the work by Reddit user Your_Post_As_A_Movie. Taking some rather ordinary images, as well as some exceptionally good ones, he creates amazing posters that wouldn’t look out of place on the walls of your local movie theatre. Some of […]

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How I Art Directed A CD Cover Shoot Over The Internet

When Chris Sebastian contacted me about creating cover art for his debut album ‘The Good Old Days‘, I initially wasn’t sure how the scenario would work. Chris was in Sydney, I was in Melbourne, and his photoshoot was happening in Sydney within the week. I admit, I’m a bit of a control freak… In order […]

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How They Made Matte Drawing On Plexiglass Before The Days Of CGI

Today’s digital effects are pretty amazing (or not) depending on your view. But both the good CGI and the bad CGI have one thing in common, they are computer generated. Not so long ago, the concept of computerized massive scenes was not even conceived yet and effects studios used different methods to “create” sets bigger than […]

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Tutorial: How To Create A Textured Face White Walker (From Any Portrait)

The year comes to an end and just before the busy days of watching StarWars and celebrating the holidays I’m rushing to finish some images and close this year off. One of the images that needed to be done was my contribution to the Dark Realm Collective – Black Christmas Art Pack. I’ve been part […]

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