What does it take to create a stylized image?

One of the most important factors in a photographer/digital artists career is finding their own style. A signature look. It can take some photographers years to find theirs, but some find their voice straight away. I think I was lucky in that my style evolved quite quickly and quite organically. In this article, we will go […]

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Making the most of an unplanned image in Photoshop

At the beginning of the year, me and fellow DIYP writer and photographer John Aldred, and our good friend and model Ambellina decided at the last minute, to go out to the Lake District in Cumbria and shoot. There was no planning really, it was a last-minute, let’s just get and see what happens kind of […]

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The artist combines matte painting, collages and photography to create composites with reality of their own

What do you get when you combine matte painting, cutout fragments of old photos and magazine pictures, photography and digital manipulation? British artist Suzanne Moxhay brings these techniques together to create complex, surrealistic, and captivating artwork. Suzanne derives her artwork from the early filmmaking technique matte painting. This technique used backdrops painted on sheets of […]

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10 steps to creating an indoor jungle

Last year my friend Marsha invited me to this crazy Victorian mansion along with a small handful of awesome photographers and models to hang out and make some art … Obviously I said, “heck yesss.” The house was a gold mine of strange colorful rooms full of interesting wall paper, decorative trimmings, and some gorgeous natural […]

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