
How I photographed Comic Con portraits using only one light source

Back in December my brother asked me if I would be interested in going to Comic Con in Indianapolis, IN, and I immediately said absolutely! In his mind, he was excited to see what comic books he could find or the hard to find vinyl POP figure or possibly a GI Joe collectible, but in […]

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These guys are creating their own superhero comic with photos

As their creators describe it, “Project Grand Shadows is a digital photography comic book project about a homeless man, outsider in our society, who gets recruited to an experiment that goes wrong”. It’s an interesting story, but what’s even more interesting is that they’re illustrating it with photos instead of drawings. Obviously the project is […]

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How To Shoot The Dark Phoenix (And Hack A Broncolor Movel In The Process)

French photographer Frederic Amadu recently shot a series starring Marvel Universe’s Dark Phoenix (oh, make a movie already!!). The Dark Phoenix ( or Jean Grey) has elemental control over fire. So fire was a main part of the shoot. Easier said than done. Frederic had to hack A Broncolor MoveL unit twice. A Different hack for each shot. Shooting […]

The post How To Shoot The Dark Phoenix (And Hack A Broncolor Movel In The Process) appeared first on DIY Photography.