Do you know your photographic repertoire?

Flicking through Michael Freeman’s newest book, Fifty Paths to Creative Photography, in Heffers in Cambridge last week, I was drawn to point 37: ‘Dig into your repertoire.’ According to Freeman, your repertoire is your personal bank of stylistic choices, your favourite way of shooting. He encourages his readers to explore and pinpoint their repertoires and […]

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How to get great and consistent colour with different brands and qualities of light

One of the biggest issues for those looking to expand their lighting setup is colour consistency. Even expensive ones can be very slightly out from each other. Even within a single brand, different models or generations of light can also be a little different to each other. But the problem is especially so with cheap […]

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These 50+ movie color palettes show how to effectively use color in film

Considering cinema’s origin in black and white, it’s not surprising that many filmmakers have an obsession with color in films. From wardrobe choices and color gels to post-production filters and fonts, movie color schemes play a vital role in a director’s vision. The importance of color in film Lewis Bond’s color theory video, Color In […]

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8K timelapse shows off the bright vibrant colours of New York

A mix of traditional timelapse and hyperlapse, this video from Vimeo user jansoli shows off New York in all its colourful glory. From the bright day light advertising, to the beautiful night lights, New York is a wonder of colour. It’s an interesting mix of techniques. There’s even a few tricks in post to simulate […]

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How to get killer selections with Channels and Vivid Light

Ever since wanting to focus on colour in my images I’ve found that often times due to budget or location, that I just quite simply cannot get the colours I’d like right in the camera. This means that I’ll often have to change colours in post and that, of course, in turn requires decent selections! […]

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Extracting From A Green Screen – The LAB Trick

If you’re shooting in a studio for compositing with Photoshop then you may be using a grey or green backdrop. I was spending a long time making masks until I saw this cool tip from Photoshop trainer Dave Cross, the time it’s saved me, thanks Dave! Open the images For this example I’ve got two […]