Using Gelled Lighting For In-Camera, Color-Theory Driven Stories

I pretty much shoot exclusively color images – I don’t know why, I just always tend to resonate towards color rather than a monochrome image. Maybe it was my formative years when I spent most of my days color printing in a darkroom. Anyway what I realized a few years ago, when I analysed a […]

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The Relations Between Curves, Color And Magic

In order to understand curves we need to understand color in the way that Photoshop does. This is called Additive color theory EVERYTHING in an image is made of 3 colors – RED – GREEN – BLUE The interaction between any two primaries colors, create secondary colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow The center creates pure white: 255 […]

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An Experiment in Color Grading

As the New Year rolls in, I find myself looking forward to new things—new directions, new goals, new relationships. But with the start of a new year also comes a time for reflection (literally) of what I’ve accomplished and how much I’ve progressed. As I perform my annual “house cleaning”—purging old work which isn’t up […]

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Extracting From A Green Screen – The LAB Trick

If you’re shooting in a studio for compositing with Photoshop then you may be using a grey or green backdrop. I was spending a long time making masks until I saw this cool tip from Photoshop trainer Dave Cross, the time it’s saved me, thanks Dave! Open the images For this example I’ve got two […]

Aesthetic Judgments: Composition, Color & Story

In the first part of my thoughts on aesthetic judgments I introduced the first two considerations on my list of five that inform my work. This post discusses the rest of them starting with… Composition Composition is the pleasing expression of the elements in a space. I prefer to lock the camera on a tripod […]