This in-depth colour theory guide helps create harmony and impact in your photography

Colour can be one of the hardest things to master in photography. The real world doesn’t always provide the most pleasing colour for our images. Even within the same scene, different colours can clash and compete for attention. It’s a subject that many graphic designers study religiously to get perfect harmony in their work. But […]

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Cinematic Color Grading With Lightroom

We have posted a few really awesome cinematic color grading tutorials lately – but they all use Photoshop. Instead of jumping over to Photoshop, I thought that I would try to achieve my interpretation of the “cinematic color grading” look right in Lightroom – continue reading to see my Lightroom workflow. The Cinematic Color Grading […]

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Fun With Color – Photography Gels and RGB Additive Color

I was recently at an interactive installation that had three theater lights – red green and blue shining on a white wall. The kids were fascinated by this – especially with how the colors mixed and how they could make different colors by casting shadows on the wall. This is a human scale representation of […]

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Get your Color Theory game on point with this fantastic video

Color is something that’s on my mind a lot throughout the shoot process. It’s something to consider when planning, shooting or doing post work. This video from motion graphics artist Rhea Lelina Manglapus does a decent job at making color theory both fun to watch and pretty easy to grasp. Starting with the basics, Rhea takes us on a journey […]

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Using Gelled Lighting For In-Camera, Color-Theory Driven Stories

I pretty much shoot exclusively color images – I don’t know why, I just always tend to resonate towards color rather than a monochrome image. Maybe it was my formative years when I spent most of my days color printing in a darkroom. Anyway what I realized a few years ago, when I analysed a […]

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The Relations Between Curves, Color And Magic

In order to understand curves we need to understand color in the way that Photoshop does. This is called Additive color theory EVERYTHING in an image is made of 3 colors – RED – GREEN – BLUE The interaction between any two primaries colors, create secondary colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow The center creates pure white: 255 […]

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