
How to color grade in Photoshop using only Solid Color Adjustment Layers

Each of us has our own style and our methods for editing photos. There are a few ways for color grading, and we can do it in different software. I have stumbled upon an interesting video from Eye Stocker for color grading in Photoshop. It uses only Solid Color Adjustment Layers and “Blend If” mode. […]

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The reasons why “Orange and Teal” look is so popular in movies

“Orange and Teal” color grading has been pretty popular in Hollywood. It’s used in many blockbuster movies, and even some YouTubers like Sam Colder like to use it in their videos. Parker Walbeck from Fulltime Filmmaker explains in this video what makes this look so popular and why it’s so widely used in movies and […]

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Loupedeck puts Lightroom controls right at your fingertips

Control decks have only just recently started to become popular with photographers. They’ve been an integral part of video editing & colour workflows for years, though. Now that the lines between stills and video cameras are a little blurred, the reach of these useful devices has expanded. Other devices like the Palette Gear, and BrushKnob […]

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Learn how to use DaVinci Resolve like a pro in 30 minutes or less

Video has become a part of daily life for many photographers. For some, it’s because we’ve expanded our services for clients. For others, it’s simply for our own self promotion. Tips and tricks, tutorials or behind the scenes videos for YouTube & Facebook. One of the biggest problems many photographers starting out with video face […]

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Cinematic Color Grading With Lightroom

We have posted a few really awesome cinematic color grading tutorials lately – but they all use Photoshop. Instead of jumping over to Photoshop, I thought that I would try to achieve my interpretation of the “cinematic color grading” look right in Lightroom – continue reading to see my Lightroom workflow. The Cinematic Color Grading […]

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A lesson in color grading

If Shakespeare were a photographer today, he’d have lost so many jobs to his “To tone or not to tone” predicament that in comparison you’d probably be able to catch more snowflakes in your mouth during a 20 second freak blizzard than he would have landed paid work. Today I’m here with a video for […]

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How color grading your photos can manipulate viewers’ emotions

Photographers often understand color theory and seek to incorporate objects of complementary colors in their images. We understand and appreciate the harmonious effect of green and red or orange and blue items framed within our composition, so why do so many of us focus only on the color of the content of the image and […]

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