This is how to save battery and fly a drone even in the coldest weather

You may like winter and cold weather, but your drone batteries don’t. It affects their chemical charge and gives you shorter flight time. If you’re typically used to getting around 25 minutes of flight, in cold weather it comes down to about 15, or even less. Dirk Dallas from Adorama TV shares some useful tips […]

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This photographer takes on subzero temps and violent wind to shoot arctic foxes

What are you willing to endure to capture the shot of a lifetime? Well, if you’re anything like photographer Joshua Holko, it’s just another day in the office when you are stuck in a foxhole shooting in subzero temperature for ten days. To promote his upcoming Arctic Fox Project, Holko shared a behind the scenes […]

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These Gloves Are Designed to Keep Your Fingers Toasty When Shooting in the Cold

As a photographer who lives and shoots in the Midwest (United States), I know all too well the pain of shooting in frigid temperatures on an annual basis. I’ve tried all kinds of gloves, mittens or hybrids to keep my fingers toasty while shooting, but none have proven to be the perfect pair, leaving at […]

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