Photographer and couple climb two mountains in freezing weather to take wedding photos

Taking the perfect wedding photos isn’t easy. The competition is high, and there are many clichés that can be difficult to beat. But a Malaysian photographer Keow Wee Loong managed to take wedding photos that probably not many people will try to replicate. The photographer and the happy couple climbed two mountains to take perfect […]

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The risks and rewards of adventure filmmaking & photography

Adventure filmmaking and photography is a demanding task. As well as having to deal with the same conditions your subjects deal with, you have to also work a camera. That’s not always easy. As well as being physically tough, it can be a very emotional journey, too. Snowboarder & filmmaker Jeremy Jones, professional climber Angie […]

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This is how you light up a climbers on a cliff with speedlights attached to drones

So what do you do when you need to position lights off to the side of a cliff and you left your 300ft tall light stands at home?  You mount them to a drone, of course, which is exactly what National Geographic photographer Keith Ladzinski did recently while taking the new Nikon D500 and SB-5000 flash […]

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