Clients will soon be able to book photo sessions directly through Instagram

Another new feature is coming to Instagram, and it can be useful for photographers. People will soon be able to boom appointments with business. For all those who make a living from photography, this means your clients will be able to find you and book a session directly through your Instagram. At the moment, Instagram […]

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Help! How do I Budget for a Photoshoot? (a guide for clients)

A frequent and normal question I often get from my first-time direct clients (non-agency) is; “What is your rate?” (I never work on a per hour rate for many reasons) but often the real question should be, “How much will this cost to create this image?” Surprises are never fun for a client, so education […]

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The Value of A Professional Photographer, or, “Can I Have All the Unedited Photos?”

Every photographer has gotten the question after a successful shoot: “The photos look great, but can I get the rest of them just in case I need them later? You don’t need to edit them or anything.” If you’re here for the short answer, the answer is no, but it’s important to me for people […]

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Why photographers don’t give clients RAW photos

We’ve covered this topic before, but it’s always worth a second mention. RAW photos. Specifically, why photographers don’t share RAW images with clients. In one of her latest videos, photographer Jessica Kobeissi shares a collection of anecdotes and analogies explaining why it’s beyond reason to expect photographers to hand over their RAW files. Rather than […]

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Sh*t Clients Say to Photographers

Working as a photographer has plenty of advantages and you collect awesome experiences along the way, varying greatly depending on your niche. You might get to travel, attend music concerts or sport events, encounter amazing wildlife or meet amazing pe…

Understanding Single Points of Failure With Photography

Over the years we’ve heard from countless people who have lost their photos. Usually it’s due to hard drive failure, but unfortunately there are tons of ways to lose your images. In this past year alone there have been multiple stories of photographers losing their life’s work due to hard drive theft. It usually takes loss […]

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