Canon’s new flagship C700 Cinema camera will set you back up to $38,000

Canon have announced their new flagship cinema camera, and it’s quite a beast. It’s a much larger camera than the previous EOS C offerings, aimed at serious production. It’s also a far more modular design offering a lot of customisation. With the optional Codex recorder, it captures 4.5K RAW video at up to 120fps. Internally, it […]

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Learn how to setup, rig and use a camera for cinematography like a pro

Switching from stills to video can be a pretty daunting task, even for experienced photographers. Adding motion to those images presents a whole slew of issues that you can’t anticipate without experience or advanced warning. In this in-depth video with filmmakers Dave Brusca and Fernando Martinez, we are taken behind the scenes on AdoramaTV’s film crew to get some […]

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Is your tripod a little off the level? Just tell people it’s a Dutch Angle

The Dutch Angle.  It’s one of those things you either love or you hate, and even when you are a fan, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between an intentional act and whether the creator simply forgot to level their tripod. It’s one of those things I’ve tended to avoid, having never really seen a purpose for […]

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Lytro are out to change the future of cinema and they want to get into the hands of all filmmakers

We all saw the big announcement a couple of weeks ago about Lytro’s new Cinema camera, but the folks over at No Film School sat down to have a more in-depth discussion with Lytro’s Head of Light Field Video, John Karafin, and got an exclusive look into some of the features and abilities of the Lytro Cinema camera system. With […]

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Lytro is making big waves in Hollywood with their groundbreaking new Cinema camera

While Lytro might’ve exited stage left from the world of photography, they’ve set their sights on Hollywood and they’re looking real hard, as is their new camera. Lytro Cinema is the world’s Light Field solution for film and television.  This technological breakthrough capture system allows filmmakers to do things that simply haven’t been possible before, […]

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Canon’s new ME200S-SH camera provides compact solutions for live HD broadcasts, production and surveillance

Modular cube like cameras seem to be becoming a rather popular form factor lately.  Joining Sony’s UMC-S3C and Blackmagic’s Micro Cinema Camera, Canon have announced the new ME200S-SH. While offering similar specs to their C100 Mark II camera, including a full frame 35mm sized sensor, the ME200S-SH strips out many features such as the LCD, viewfinder, and memory card slot, in order to save […]

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Samyang releases two new XEEN-branded cine lenses, a 14mm T3.1 and 35mm T1.5

Korean optics manufacturer Samyang has announced two new video lenses: the XEEN 14mm T3.1 and XEEN 35mm T1.5. Available in five different mounts – PL, EF, F, E, and MFT – the XEEN lenses are the two latest pieces of glass in Samyang’s growing collection of filmmaking glass designed with 4K video capture in mind. […]

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