Shutter Speed Chart as a Photographer’s Cheat Sheet

When we talk about the Shutter Speed in photography the first thing that comes to mind is its is relationship to Exposure. The Shutter speed is the essential part of Exposure Triangle (Aperture, ISO, Shutter Speed) and it helps photographers to get perfectly exposed photos. But my belief is that to understand and to master […]

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Lighting Design the Easy Way – Secrets of the Inverse-Square Law of Light

In this blog post, I would like to share some insights with you regarding the connection of aperture and  inverse-square law of light as well as their effects on light fall-off. I’m going to be using Set.a.Light 3D to demo some of the things, but light behaves exactly the same in the real world. Let […]

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These Two Photos Will Make You Instantly Understand How The Inverse Square Law Works

When I started to use artificial lighting, The Inverse Square Law was my nemesis. Not only it is not intuitive, but it is also not linear, and visualizing how a strobe distance from a subject will impact the photo is not trivial to say the least. Photographer Derrick Bias shared a few priceless photos that show […]

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This cheat sheet shows every single profile photo size for every social media platform

Social media platforms seem to change their image sizes pretty much every time you login. And every time that happens, photographers everywhere have to scour the internet searching for the new sizes. You just know that facebook is going to CRASH your photo if you don’t feed it the exact right size. Well, here’s some […]

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