These images may look like CG renders, but they’re actually photographs

In a world where many CG artists are aiming for photorealism, one very skilled photographer seems to be going the opposite way. These images look like something straight out of 3DS Max or Blender. They’re not, though. They’re actually very carefully designed photographs, created by Norwegian design duo Lars Marcus Vedeler and Theo Zamudio-Tveterås at their […]

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This car transforms into any vehicle you want in post production

The company that brought us such amazing sequences as Jean Claude-Van Damme’s “Epic Split” and Super Bowl 2014’s Jaguar – Rendevous commercial seem like the perfect people to need a vehicle like this. As one didn’t already exist, they built their own. London based, The Mill recently announced the Blackbird, a vehicle that can transform in length […]

The post This car transforms into any vehicle you want in post production appeared first on DIY Photography.