How to stop getting the huge printed catalogue from B&H and maybe save some trees

Anybody who’s ever ordered anything substantial from B&H will likely, at some point, receive a printed catalogue. This is essentially an inch thick (or bigger) 300+ page book featuring every product in B&H’s inventory. I’ve received them myself in the past. It started after ordering my first “Pro” lens. I didn’t ask for them, and […]

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Delete Your Sh!t: Why You Should Trash Most of Your Photos

This is one of those subjects in the photography world that is strangely controversial – like Nikon vs. Canon, DSLR vs. Smartphone and Prime vs. Zoom … the idea that you should delete your sh!t – or in other words – why you might want to permanently delete most of the photos that you’ve ever […]

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Merging Lightroom Catalogs in 5 Easy Steps

I have two computers – a beautiful 5K iMac at my studio, and a MacBook Pro that I travel with. My schedule can get crazy, especially when I’m traveling 2-3 weeks in a given month. It’s not practical to take my entire photo library with me when I travel, so I often find myself creating a temporary catalog on my laptop and merging it with my main catalog back at the studio.