This photographer uses a mirrored disco ball to light up a VW Camper

Yesterday, I ran across an image by photographer, Chris Frosin. Chris is an automotive photographer for several car magazines in the UK. Many of the cars he shoots are vintage classics. They’ve been around for decades and photographed a million different ways. So, in an effort to keep things fresh, Chris is always trying to push himself and […]

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Block traffic in NYC for a photo shoot and get your window smashed

YouTuber Coby Persin has over 2.7 million subscribers. He’s a serial poser prankster who performs “social experiments” on unsuspecting members of the general public. This time around, his latest video is going viral for a very different reason. During a “quick photoshoot” in NYC, he decided to block a lane of traffic on one of New […]

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Track photographer barely escapes with his life on the drag strip

Automotive photographer can be very dangerous stuff, especially when it comes to racing. Over the years, some very close calls have been caught on camera, but few are as close as this. When Canadian drag racer Shawn Mcfalls had a 4 link bar break at the start of a race at the Grand Bend Motorplex […]

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Who needs a $160,000 Audi when you can shoot a $40 scale model

What happens when a miniature photographer discusses collaboration with a multi-million car company? He ends up shooting their $160,000 car, an Audi R8, using a $40 scale model. Photographer Felix Hernández (more from Felix) discussed some potential ideas with Audi. The result was so awesome that Audi decided to share it on their media channels. The catch? […]

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How to composite a car into a new background in Photoshop CC

Unless we are an automotive photographer, getting access to fancy cars at the environments in which we’d like to photograph them can be a tricky proposition.  But what can we do with those images of cars we get on the street or at shows? In this video tutorial from Tutvid, photographer Nathaniel Dodson shows us how we can cut […]

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Photographing a drag racing team never looked more fun

It’s no secret that I love behind the scenes videos, and this one from Guy Rhodes covering Mark J. Rebilas‘ shoot with Don Schumacher Racing for their 2016 portraits is a good one. As well as a wealth of technical, creative, and workflow ideas, it demonstrates the value of forming good relationships and even friendships with your clients. […]

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