How I shot the Photoshoper’s wet dream: A PSD room where you can control 34 different lights

(hit play on this movie to see what this article is about, this is not a computer generated image, it’s all done in camera – see the final product here) As someone who deals with compositing on a daily basis, I foud myself in a restless state. And I don’t mean that restless state that all […]

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Shot a person from below? Fix the perspective with a few clicks

Something came to my attention recently thanks to some feedback from close friends. This was called “Fixing the Keystone” or “Keystoning” and it simply means making sure that your verticals are vertical and horizontals are horizontal. A very simple concept and also one which architectural photographers will have been on top for decades. Here’s how you […]

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Is Phase One feeling threatened by mirrorless medium format cameras? Capture One “Unlikely” to support Fuji GFX

Adobe Lightroom has always faced some stiff competition against Phase One’s Capture One for medium format shooters. Even many photographers using DSLRs have made the switch. If you were hoping to use Capture One with the new Fujifilm GFX, though, you may be out of luck. Imaging Resource seems to think that Phase One are feeling […]

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Here is how to get CaptureOne Pro for only €50! (but only if you shoot Sony)

For the last 14 months I’ve been paying for CaptureOne at £12 a month (£168 so far). Or, you could buy a full license for €279.  Either way, it is a lot of money. I’ve only just realised that as a Sony user I could have just paid for Pro at £45 (€50). And so can you! […]

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Capture One 9.1 Update Released

Phase One has updated Capture One to version 9.1. The update provides major improvements to the library tool on Mac and significant stability improvements for tethered capture with Canon cameras. The Uniformity slider has been split into three sliders: Hue, Saturation and Lightness. Previously, the slider only addressed Hue Uniformity. The group now provides great […]

Capture One Pro 9 Released

Phase One has released Capture One Pro 9 with more powerful new features that continue to push Lightroom. As you can see in the video above, the new contrast algorithm allows you to adjust contrast and brightness without affecting the color of your image. You also have the ability to create masks for local adjustments in a […]

Capture One Pro 9’s New Feature Set Looks to Take On Lightroom

It might not be as ubiquitous as Adobe Lightroom, but Capture One Pro is arguably a better piece of software for those wanting to truly get the most out of their images. Today, Phase One has launched Capture One Pro 9, the latest and most advanced iteration of its post-processing software. Along with the fancy […]

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Tethered Shooting – From Camera To Computer To 60″ IPS Panel

This article will take you through a journey to the perfect tethering solution. It is a curvy path, but the end is very fine tuned. Before we even start, I would like to stress out three things: The camera screen is scrap Memory cards are prone to errors This article only contains information, no colorful photos […]

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