How a Mythbuster removes a stuck on filter with a bandsaw

We’ve all come across a situation where we’ve had a filter on a lens that just wouldn’t come off. If you haven’t, you will one day. Switching environments, or just leaving your filter on there for too long can cause it to pretty much become embedded into the front lens element. At other times, cheap filters, […]

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Canon told me my 24-70mm f/2.8L II was beyond repair. I asked for it back and fixed it myself

I was shooting some images of the icebergs on the black sand beach by the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon, Iceland with a rental EF 24-70mm F2.8L II. Iceland is notorious for being windy, and while I was shooting there was blowing winds carrying ocean spray and water splashes all over me and my camera + lens. […]

The post Canon told me my 24-70mm f/2.8L II was beyond repair. I asked for it back and fixed it myself appeared first on DIY Photography.