Shooting a 300MP photo of a Hotrod – full frame digital vs large format film

Recently, I was tasked with shooting a hotrod. It was exciting from the beginning, because these kinds of cars are pretty rare here. The owner also wanted his dog sitting on the fender. When you hear that (from a photographer’s point of view), it does not sound that difficult to do. But the picture also has to be huge […]

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Has the White House photographer ditched DSLR in favor of Sony’s mirrorless a7R II?

Many oohs and ahhs were heard when Sony announced the a7R II, and it turns out that one of the camera’s new users is none other than the Chief Official White House photographer Pete Souza. The EXIF data belonging to the latest photo uploaded to the official White House Flickr account, one of President Obama […]

The post Has the White House photographer ditched DSLR in favor of Sony’s mirrorless a7R II? appeared first on DIY Photography.