10 tips for candid street photography

I think in street photography, there are many different “sub-genres.” For example, you have the traditional candid street photography, you have “street portraits” (taking photos of strangers, primarily of their faces), you have photos of urban landscapes, and of just random stuff you might find on the streets. Candid street photography is one of the […]

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The candid honest moments of a commercial videographer captured 2 seconds at a time

Whenever you work with an action camera, there’s a process. The general sequence of events goes something like this. You pick up your camera, power it up, point it towards yourself to see the lights flashing and start recording. You point it at what you want it to see and record away. Then when you’re done, you turn […]

The post The candid honest moments of a commercial videographer captured 2 seconds at a time appeared first on DIY Photography.