Business Email Etiquette – 5 Simple Rules for Managing Email Without Being An Ignoramus

There are a few simple business email etiquette rules that you can follow to make your life a whole lot easier and save yourself from being an email ignoramus. Sure, business email is a necessity, but I think we can all agree that email is a colossal pain in the a$$. A lot of that […]

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Are we entering photography’s “Golden Age”?

[This article is for commercial photographers and not intended for consumer shooters] Shoot, I don’t know. Seemed like a good headline made to interest someone enough to engage. A headline that asks a question, a provocative question seems to be the way to get clicks and saves and ‘likes’… all that really important stuff. And […]

The post Are we entering photography’s “Golden Age”? appeared first on DIY Photography.

How I Wasted $10,000 Plus What I Learned and How It Applies to Business

You can’t learn anything in life unless you make mistakes. Some mistakes are obvious. Some mistakes are a lot more subtle. In this article I will share a subtle mistake that cost me over ten grand (plus a few other ongoing mistakes that are costing me money right now) and what lessons can be learned […]

The post How I Wasted $10,000 Plus What I Learned and How It Applies to Business appeared first on DIY Photography.