Being limited by my landlocked location, I bought 1,500 pounds of sand for a “beach” photo shoot, and got a single photo out of it

I bought a stack of foreign Vogue magazines for inspiration, and inside of Vogue Italia I saw an amazing photo of Alessandra Ambrosio on a beach at night (the image at the bottom of this page). I tucked it away in a manila envelope labeled “Possible Shoots”. For a year and a half, every time I […]

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How to photograph a wardrobe on the rocks at the beach using miniature models

Sometimes, you get an idea that seems to be impossible (or at least very tricky). After you think about things for a while and figure out the logistics of actually getting a wardrobe onto the beach on top of rocks, the solutions seem to present themselves. When you realise that this was the idea of Photographer Felix Alejandro […]

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Photographer almost gets beheaded while taking a photo of an incoming airplane

You’ve probably come across photos captured on the beach near St. Bart’s Gustaf III airport before. You know, those ones where beachgoers can be seen almost touching the bottom of planes. Have you ever wondered who the photographers are and where they sit to capture those photos? If so, you now have your answer, thanks […]

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Here are a few tips for keeping sand off your sensor while shooting at the beach

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about shooting on a beach, it’s that sand gets everywhere. No matter what camera bag the gear is in or how well it’s taken care of, sand will inevitably end up everywhere. Despite this, there’s one place sand should never be, regardless of where else it might magically appear…on […]

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Sony a6000 with Neewer Underwater Case

I use Sony a6000 as my primary underwater camera. It is 24.3MP so I can easily compose in editing. The kit lens is sharp and shoots wide. The Sony shoots in RAW, necessary for white balance and editing after the fact. It has very fast autofocus which can keep up with my subjects as well […]

Dolphin dies after beachgoers pass it around out of water for photos

Otro animal inofensivo es víctima de los humanos, a este delfín del plata bebe, especie en peligro de extinción, lo sacaron del agua para sacarle fotos y tocarlo. Solo a personas con muy poca educación o totalmente inepta se le necesita decir que el delfín es un animal marino y que necesita agua para vivir. […]

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