Quick Tip: How to never lose track of charged & discharged batteries again

Keeping track of batteries is a pain. We have to change them so much more often in our cameras now. Especially since the advent of live view LCDs and video. So, most of us keep a well stocked supply of spares, particularly with small juice suckers like action cameras. But when you go out to […]

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Stanford boffins develop Lithium Ion battery with built in fire extinguisher

Lithium based batteries power a lot of stuff these days. Phones, cameras, laptops, and even vehicles. There’s a lot of “best practise” advice out there when dealing with Li-Ion and Li-Po batteries, but it’s not common knowledge. Most consumers don’t know how to look after their batteries. Or that there even are suggested ways to […]

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Power your camera for days on a battery that takes seconds to charge

Now this is an idea I think we can all get behind. Anything that keeps us charged faster and for longer while out shooting can’t be bad. So, imagine being able to go out and shoot as much as you want for as long as you want without having to worry about your battery life […]

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7 Tips to make your camera’s battery last longer

With the number of extra gadgets and doohickies built into our cameras these days, battery life is diminishing. Larger sensors, faster processors, more memory, built in WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS all drain our batteries faster than they used to. Keeping spare batteries on you is always a good idea when you’re out with your camera. […]

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Tether Tools unveils hot-swappable Case Relay system for uninterrupted power to your camera

Tether Tools has announced the Case Relay system, a camera attachment that they claim to be the world’s first device that will allow you to provide uninterrupted power to your camera using a standard wall outlet or USB battery pack, such as the ones you use to charge up your smartphone. The device itself isn’t […]

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