Flying a drone in Sweden? Remove your camera first or you’re breaking the law

First reported by Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, the country’s highest court ruled on Friday that it is now illegal to fly drones with attached cameras in public places as they qualify as surveillance cameras. It’s a huge blow to Sweden’s hobbyist drone community. Hobbyists in Sweden are understandably upset, and the initial reactions are about as would be […]

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Adele stops concert to call out a filming fan, telling her “take your tripod down”

Whenever you use the words “concert” and “photography” in the same sentence, emotions often tend to start flying.  Whether you’re a professional trying to earn a living, being crippled by ridiculous contracts, or a fan who prefers to view through an LCD rather than with your eyes, there’s always some controversy. This time, it’s Adele, stopping a […]

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19 year old girl banned from social media for posting nude photos of another woman

19 year old Courtney Marie Mulkentine from Gympie, Queensland, posted photos of her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend to Facebook and removed them after Mulkentine received a phone call from the victim, but by then it was too late. After pleading guilty to “using an electronic carriage service to harass or offend”, the Australian teenager has been banned from using social […]

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