This company raised a million dollars to print 360º photographs onto spheres

Virtual reality might be the buzz of the town, but a new company called Scandy wants the world to know that the world of 360º content isn’t destined only for headsets. Today, the company announced it’s raised one million dollars to start mass production on their ‘Scandy Spheres,’ a ball-shaped object that has a 360º […]

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Polaroid further plunges into irrelevancy with sad, white-labelled 360º pocket tripod

Polaroid has devolved from one of the most commanding photography companies in the world to a label that gets slapped on third party accessories in an attempt to sell at least something. Proving this further is the release of a brand new portable Polaroid Panorama Eyeball Head, designed to simplify the process of taking panoramic […]

The post Polaroid further plunges into irrelevancy with sad, white-labelled 360º pocket tripod appeared first on DIY Photography.