Cyclops Optics creates clip-on light pollution filters for your Nikon sensor

Light pollution is one of the main problems of every astrophotographer, no doubt about that. If you want to get rid of its orange-yellowish tint, you need either post-processing or a filter. We have recently presented you with PureNight Premium, a filter you can attach to your camera and reduce the effects of light pollution. […]

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How I captured rare lunar fog bow and Northern lights in the same photo

Throughout the years I’ve seen lots of different phenomena in the sky but one that have been on my bucket list for quite some time is the very rare lunar fog bow. I’ve seen photos of it but I’ve never seen it in real life, until now. This Saturday turned out to be my lucky […]

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PureNight Premium filter helps astrophotographers beat light pollution

When you decide to photograph night sky, the first problem you’ll encounter is most likely to be light pollution. If you live in a city, not only you can’t photograph the stars, but you can barely see them in the night sky. Only when you move outside the city, you can get a clear view […]

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This guide to astrophotography will have you shooting stars in no time

Yesterday we showed you South of Home Photography’s beautiful photographs of the New Zealand winter night sky. If you’re just starting out with astrophotography, it can be difficult to know where to begin. How should you plan? Is your gear up to the challenge? Do you need specialist equipment? What settings should you use? Today we […]

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Improving your night photography with foreground lighting

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to night photography is incorporating good foreground elements, but learning a few simple tricks will instantly elevate your game. If you’ve ever snapped a shot of the Milky Way in a very dark area on a moonless night, you will find that the landscape elements will often be silhouetted […]

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Movie captures amazing milkey way with Canon MH20f-SH shooting at 400,000 ISO

I’ll admit that when Canon first launched the MH20f-SH I was kind of skeptic. I mean what in the galaxy are the uses for a 4,000,000 ISO camera? Well, Ben Canales just proved that there are cinematic visions that can use this tool. Ben used the Canon ISO beast to shoot an exceptional video where the Milky Way is […]

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Movie captures amazing milkey way with Canon MH20f-SH shooting at 400,000 ISO

I’ll admit that when Canon first launched the MH20f-SH I was kind of skeptic. I mean what in the galaxy are the uses for a 4,000,000 ISO camera? Well, Ben Canales just proved that there are cinematic visions that can use this tool. Ben used the Canon ISO beast to shoot an exceptional video where the Milky Way is […]

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This is why your night sky photography sucked last night

It’s why mine always suck, too. Light pollution. It’s hard to escape it these days. It’s the thing that puts many budding astrophotographers off before they’ve really  even got started. This video from Sriram Murali puts things into context. Filmed mostly in California, this short shows how the night sky changes as you get further from the city […]

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