This former Nuclear Bunker is now home to over a hundred years worth of American cinema

Located at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, the Library of Congress Packard Campus was originally built as a nuclear bunker. It stored $4 billion in gold, and would’ve been the location to which the President would have been taken had the need arisen during the Cold War. Now that this potential need […]

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OFFLOAD = Peace of Mind

Your footage does not exist, until it exists in at least two other places than the source. Then, and only then, should you reuse source media. The adage above is as close to a truism as one can find in digital video production. At the start of my production career, Alex Lindsay hammered it into […]

The Three C’s of File Management – Copy, Clone, and Cloud!

Editor’s Note: Please welcome David J. Crewe to the Photofocus team.  He’s a professional photographer from Chicago and we’re super happy to have him here.  Please post a welcome message in the comments or drop him a line. As a professional photographer in the digital age, protecting your data is one of the most important things […]