Why Your Camera is Like a Faucet

Seems like an odd title to an article, right? Well, it’s true! If you’ve ever thought about making the switch to exposing fully manually, but struggled to get apertures and shutter speeds to do what you want them to do, all you  need to do is to remember that your camera is just like a […]

Commonly Misunderstood Photo Words

I took the time to read comments on this site, as well as a few other sites, and found that there are some terms that need some clarification for use in the photo world. Some are quite comical, and some are just plainly mistakenly used in place of another term. So here’s a quick list […]

DIY: Awesome Iris Lamp Has Aperture That Opens & Closes As Light Is Turned On Or Off

Cancel your weekend plans, we’ve got an Iris Lamp to build! The awesome DIY tutorial comes to us courtesy of Jonathan Odom, a full time designer and maker over at the Instructables Design Studio. Odom’s portfolio of builds is pretty incredible, but this aperture inspired wall lamp really grabbed our attention. (Kinda reminds me of […]

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Aperture Blades Open To Reveal Engagement Ring In This Awesome Lens Inspired DIY Ring Box

  California based educator and DIY maker, Matt Chalker, really, really loves his girlfriend. That’s why when he decided to propose to her, he wanted to make something extra special. And that he did. Chalker spent about 60 hours building one of the coolest engagement ring boxes I’ve ever seen. Chalker’s girlfriend, a wedding and […]

The post Aperture Blades Open To Reveal Engagement Ring In This Awesome Lens Inspired DIY Ring Box appeared first on DIY Photography.