How Ansel Adams chose the work for his famous “The Range of Light” book

Ansel Adams’ book, Yosemite and the Range of Light, is one of those must-reads of photography. Especially if you’re a landscape shooter. It’s full of amazing imagery that’s inspired countless other photographers since it was first published in 1979. But how did he decide exactly which images went into its creation? In the latest video of […]

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Take a visit inside Ansel Adams’ house & studio to see his camera collection

Marc Silber’s series of videos on Ansel Adams just gets better and better each time a new one comes out. In this latest video, we are taken into Ansel’s home and studio. His son, Michael, now lives in the home with wife Jeanne. He talks about some of his father’s lesser known commercial work as well […]

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If you ever wondered what it was like to be taught by Ansel Adams, here’s your answer

Ansel Adams is one of those legends of photography that most people have heard of. Whether they’re a photographer themselves or not, they know who he is. They know of his work, they may even own some of it. For those of us who are photographers, have you ever wondered what it would have been like to […]

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Take a look inside Ansel Adams’ amazing Darkroom

The room in which Ansel Adams created many of his works has to be the absolute ultimate DIY darkroom.  Back then, many things had to be made yourself, as commercially available tools for most of what Ansel wanted or needed to do simply did not exist. In this video from Marc Silber, we’re guided through Ansel’s […]

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Ansel Adams’ biggest secret to stunning photography

Ansel Adams was one of those people that becomes more and more fascinating the more you learn about him. Each bit of information you gained made you want to learn even more about either the man himself or photography in general. In a video recently uploaded to Advancing Your Photography’s YouTube channel, host Mark Silber interviews his son, Michael Adams, and […]

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Get Up To $100,000 Per Year Doing Ansel Adams’ Job For The National Park Service

If you thought that film is dead and that there’s no money to be made in nature photography, you’d better think again. 74 years after the National Park Service commissioned the great Ansel Adams to document the National Parks, the NPS is looking for a full-time photographer to perform a similar job, and is offering […]

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Get Up To $100,000 Per Year Doing Ansel Adams’ Job For The National Park Service

If you thought that film is dead and that there’s no money to be made in nature photography, you’d better think again. 74 years after the National Park Service commissioned the great Ansel Adams to document the National Parks, the NPS is looking for a full-time photographer to perform a similar job, and is offering […]

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The Top 10 Secret Ingredients of Professional Photography Revealed

Great photography is about so much more than shutter speeds and aperture. It also goes well beyond today’s latest high end camera. These things are still helpful of course, but the truth is, there are a number of common characteristics that many professional photographers have. By studying these and applying them to your own process, it’s possible to grow creatively, and come one step closer to achieving your goals and dreams.

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Vintage “Baseball” Trading Cards Feature Ansel Adams & Other Notable Photographers

Dating all the way back to 1975, the The Baseball Photographer Trading Cards are not exactly new, but they are still really cool. Featuring the likes of famous photographers such as Ansel Adams, Aaron Siskind, Imogen Cunningham, and others, the collection of 135 trading carding is an amusing look at the comradeship found among working photographers from […]

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