This amazing powered cosplay armour took 518 hours to create

Cosplay, fantasy and photographing it has become huge over the last decade or so. At comic cons around the world, people show up as their favourite video game, TV and movie characters. And every year they just get better and better, closer the originals that inspire their creation. In the last few years, developments in […]

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The Real Reason You Suck on Photo Sharing Sites – The Bots are Beating You

Photographers join photo-sharing sites for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s as simple as a need for recognition and the occasional pat-on-the-back. In fact I suspect that’s the reason most people join these sites in the first place; a little bit of recognition is worth big dollars in the feel-good bank. Sometimes they join those […]

The post The Real Reason You Suck on Photo Sharing Sites – The Bots are Beating You appeared first on DIY Photography.