The wait is finally over – Photopills is now available for Android

PhotoPills has become one of the most popular iOS apps out there for location photographers. Whether you shoot landscapes, astrophotography, portraits, or anything else on location, it’s a valuable tool. It’s also a tool that’s previously been exclusive to the Apple mobile platform. Now, all that changes as PhotoPills comes to Android. The team behind […]

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Your next Android tablet might just be a Kodak – at least in name

Kodak seem to be making great efforts with regard to film lately. They still seem to struggle with the digital world, though. Ok, so Kodak is a shadow of its former self, comomnly just licensing its name to the highest bidder. But, you sometimes have to ask, what’s the point? For those who’ve never heard […]

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Inventor helps young photographer to be able to take photographs again

Many of us take photography for granted. Whether it’s a big fancy DSLR or the phone in our pocket, Photography is part of our daily lives. For some, that simple pleasure of just hitting the shutter isn’t so easy. One such person is James Dunn. James, now 23, from Whiston, England, has a potentially-terminal skin condition which prevents […]

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Photoshop Fix Now Available on Android

Adobe has release Photoshop Fix 1.0 for Android, which includes features like Healing and Liquify. Additionally, Mix 2.3 adds support for Android tablets. You can download Photoshop Fix for Android here on the Google Play Store. You can download Photoshop Mix for Android here on the Google Play Store. Copyright/DMCA Notice: The RSS entry was […]

How to build a super-strong light for a phone that needs no batteries

Raise your hand if you’ve been in this situation before. You are out at night. No camera, just a phone. You want to take a photo of something more than a meter away, and the light is just not there. Even if you turn on the tiny phone light. I know that phones are always […]

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Kodak’s Ektra is a smartphone aimed at photographers

I have to admit, this announcement has surprised me a little. Named the Ektra, after its classic 1941 rangefinder, it seems to hold one major difference. Well, aside from the fact that one’s actually a camera, and the other’s a smartphone. The difference is that this one appears to be Kodak in name only, being produced […]

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Prisma begins rolling out video processing feature

Prisma still seems to be gaining popularity and shows no signs of slowing down just yet. One feature that users have been begging for since its initial launch is the ability to add effects to video. Sure, a few people have managed to get around this missing feature with timelapse, processing stills one at a time. But […]

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MIOPS Mobile turns your smartphone into an advanced camera remote control

Most of us own one or several camera triggers or intervalometers. Some of us might have even built our own Arduino based triggers that utilise various sensors. Well, now, you can think about casting them all aside and replacing them with the new MIOPS Mobile. Following on from the success of the original MIOPS Smart Trigger, […]

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Instagram finally adds a half hearted “Pinch to Zoom” feature

Instagram has finally added a pinch to zoom feature to their app. A feature so underwhelming that they didn’t even mention it on their blog (although, they did post to Instagram, heh). Ok, so perhaps I’m being a little harsh. It’s a feature that has been asked for ever since Instagram first launched. At least, people asked […]

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This band made an entire music video using the Prisma app

Video capability just can’t come to Prisma fast enough for some people. For band Drive like Maria, it certainly can’t. For their new video, Deep Blue, every frame was processed using the mobile app. Using a mobile app to process a video is not uncommon. When the app you’re using only works one still shot at a time, […]

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