Bad news for Kodachrome lovers: Kodak may not be re-launching the iconic film after all

Film photographers all over the world had high hopes for the comeback of Kodachrome. However, it appears we’ll have to wait for it. Probably for a long, long time. The problems with film processing haven’t been resolved, so it may be unlikely for this iconic film to reach the users again. After announcing the return […]

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This may be the last Cibachrome image ever taken, and it’s a hand built camera

Have you ever tried Cibachrome (Ilfochrome) processing? The materials for it are not produced any longer, and I suppose most of us will never get to see or make such photos. But artist and engineer Tim Hunkin was lucky enough to have some of the papers left in stock. He chose quite a strange DIY […]

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How to travel with sensitive film and developing paper

X-ray has certainly brought a revolution and it’s a very useful invention. However, the X-ray and photographic film aren’t exactly best friends. If you travel by plane, you know that your luggage needs to go through an X-ray scanner. Unfortunately, the X-rays can do damage to every unprocessed film, including the one already in your […]

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Film photography makes a stunning comeback

Sales of photographic film have been steadily rising over the last few years, with professionals and amateurs alike rediscovering the artistic control offered by manual processes and the creative satisfaction of a physical end product In the early 2000…

Why I shoot on film

After eight years of shooting exclusively [on] digital [cameras], working with film was a revelation. It made me fall in love with the process of making photos. Shooting film heightened the sensation of being focused in the moment, which is at the hear…